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The beer drinkers guide...

Cyber security concepts can be tricky to understand, so I've translated them into language most people can relate to... ordering a drink!

Swap beer for coffee, juice or whisky and the fundamental concepts remain the same.

The beer drinkers guide to the Internet

Have you ever been frustrated trying to explain technical concepts about the internet to people who don't speak the lingo? Or are you non-technical and want to understand some of terms your hear every day, like IP address and HTTP, but are too afraid to ask?

Well struggle no more because this video has been made to help explain how those bits and bytes work in terms nearly everyone can understand - ordering and enjoying a beer!

The beer drinkers guide to email authentication

SPF, DKIM and DMARC are difficult technical concepts but their use in modern email is crucially important in protecting your users, customers and your brand. This video was designed to help simplify some of the concepts into relatable terms. Substitute beer with wine, coffee, lemonade, whatever you're drink of choice, and the tough technical concept of email authentication becomes a little more understandable. The implementation of these email authentication controls has never been more important or urgent, with recent announcements by Google and Yahoo, and new PCI DSS requirements coming in 2025, email authentication had become a hot topic for boards and staff at all sizes of organisations.

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